Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Hello. Is there anybody in there?

Please leave a comment if you can hear me.

I have been MIA for over a year now. Tried to do the full time school, work, kids, whatever else thing. It worked for about a year. Then, when we bought the new house, the straw broke the camel's back. Apparently I am the camel.

31 years old? Check.

Nervous breakdown? Check.

School, the piece of my life that is utterly important to me has taken a backburner. It was the only "optional" thing. Turns out, when you become a mom, you are the last on your own list.

I kind of knew this was the case, but I guess I thought I could somehow outrun the cliche.

I cannot.

Ironically, it turns out that I can again run. A lot. Did 5 miles on Sunday. If I don't run, I'm psychotic. It's in my genetic code that I, physiologically, NEED to run. A marathon is on my list of life goals. It only takes a few months to train and I got a few months since I'm not in school, so why not?

I should update this blog about the kids and how great they are and how cute, etc...but if you know me well enough to read this, then I have already updated you in person.

Let this be said: Adam is 4 going on 17. As protective as ever over his younger sister. Loves his movies. Loves to shoot hoops and wants to sign up for basketball. Has all of his planets in the solar system memorized.

Natasha is 2 1/2 and has finally started calling herself "big girl" instead of "the baby". She's got her colors and numbers down. Mommy cut her hair and gave her a bob because she had 100,000 layers of crazy curls. She's still our little daredevil. She got a scooter from St. Nick and, just like she normally does, practiced riding it nonstop until she perfected the art.


punkymama said...

I had you in my bloglines. I am still out here. I know you from the Sept 03 baby boards.

I am http://punkymama.wordpress.com/

aka heartsisamom

Unknown said...

And of course I am here. And happy to see you blogging again. :)


Anonymous said...

holy smurf you have a lot of smurfing smurf out smurf. It takes a lot of smurf to smurf a smurf.