Friday, March 04, 2005

A day in the life of Adam

Co-authored by Adam Monkey

I woke up at 7:00 and came into Mommy and Daddy’s room, which woke Mommy up. She asked Daddy to take the first shift because she was awake between 3 and 5 last night between Natasha’s kicking and my teething, so he got up and gave me some juice and turned on cartoons for me.

He fell asleep on the couch within a few minutes and I played by myself until I pooped. Then I couldn’t get Daddy to wake up so I knocked on Mommy’s door and yelled “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!”. Here’s what she saw when she got out of bed.

She made Daddy get up and change my poopy diaper and told Daddy to go back to bed. Then she gave me a bowl of Cinnamon Life and sat me in the big boy chair while she poured some juice, took some Tylenol, and made some coffee so she could try to keep up with me for the day. I watched The Wiggles while I ate some of my cereal. Then I decided it was time to throw the cereal all over, which made the doggies (Desi and Dora) very happy, but it made Mommy very irritated (she hadn’t finished her coffee yet).

Later I finished having breakfast with Mommy. We ate some blueberry yogurt together. She fed me some, and I fed myself some, but mostly I got it on my face. Over all, I am learning how to use a spoon very well, though!

Then the dogs wouldn’t stop bugging us, so we had to go downstairs to feed them. Mom also did some laundry while she was down there. I like to help feed the doggies.

While Mommy folded laundry, I made her tell me who everyone was in all the pictures on the wall. I kept asking “whoossst?” until I was satisfied with her answers.

Then I played on my slide for a little while. I prefer climbing up it over sliding down it.

Because I woke up so much last night, I took an extra early nap at 10. When I woke up, I was ready for lunch. Mommy was naughty today and went to McDonald’s. We all had chicken nuggets and fries.

Mom took a shower after lunch and I decided to climb into the tub, too. So she let me shower with her. After that, she made a bath for me so I could play while she finished getting dressed.

After we got dressed, we went outside for a walk. It’s still pretty snowy, but a lot of it is melting.
The mud puddles are lots of fun!

Then I begged to go into the garage so I could play poker. I love Daddy’s poker chips! "Poker" is one of my new, favorite words, which I repeat about 127 times a day.

I had to change pants and take off my shoes and socks because I was soaking wet from playing in the puddles. Afterward, I played with Elmo and Baby by putting them both night-night. Here I am giving Baby a kiss good night.

Then I helped Mommy and Daddy with chores. I unload the silverware every day. I was upset in this picture because my teeth were really hurting me. I decided to bite on these spoons instead of putting them away after all.

Afterward I asked for some cheese, so Mommy made me sit on the chair again so the dogs wouldn’t steal it. Daddy sat with me.

I played for a little while more. I found one of my old toy trucks and decided to try to ride on it even though it's not a riding toy.

Then we ate dinner. I had spaghetti, green beans, pineapple, and milk.

After I finished with my spaghetti, I needed another bath. Daddy gives me my baths at bedtime. He says “pop ‘em out!” when it’s time to get out and I say “Pop! Pop! Pop!”. Then he dries my hair while making motorboat noises. After he’s done, I look like I got electrocuted. Then I go streaking the house.

After Mommy is done with doing dishes, and Daddy has me all dressed in my PJ’s, we hang out for a little while. We read lots of books and sometimes I sit on Daddy’s lap and watch some more TV. Then they turn on my humidifier and my air purifier and it’s time for lights out. They still lay down with me until I fall asleep, which doesn’t take long after such a busy day!