Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Damn Dirty Hippies

So DH and I had lunch today at our favorite Indian restaurant. We took Natasha in the car seat because it's just easier than taking her out and waking her up and then trying to find a way to not spill food on her while holding her. We were seated next to the hippy couple. The woman had dread locks and wore a tank top that looked like it had been made out of an old curtain and wore no bra. I don't recall the man too much other than his shaggy hair and his shirt that showed he obviously struggled to cross the "corporate casual" look with the "I'm subverting the dominant paradigm....and you can tell by the clothes that I wear. Also, kill your television" look.

When I looked at her I feared I might be judged for having Natasha in the car seat, or the "baby bucket" as AP nazis refer to them. But she was content and cute in it. Then, dare I say, I was correct. I overheard her mumbling to her lunch date the words "never.....car seat....sling....blah, blah". I filled in the rest to make it "I would NEVER leave my kid in a car seat. I would only wear them in slings."

Judging by how well her body parts were in their correct place, the lack of spitup on her clothing, the absence of children with her, and her strong opinion on parenting, I presume she didn't have any kids of her own. And as DH says, if she doesn't shower, she never will. The bright side is that they gave us lots of fodder for our lunchtime conversation.

I want to add a few more rules to my How-to-Be-Cool-AP list:

1) Have a natural home birth (bonus points if you save the placenta!)

2) No solid foods until your child is 3 or 4...YEARS