Monday, November 14, 2005

I Need Your Help

I am at a loss for my next speech topic. It's my final speech and must be as close to ten minutes as possible. I never have a problem with having enough to say about anything, so the problem with time will be for me to keep a narrow focus, not add too many asides, and not to add too many personal anecdotes to try to illicit a laugh from the group.

So far I have done speeches on the following topics
1) Sleep (importance, how much, what happens when you do it, what happens without enough, ways to get more)

2) Ukraine's Orange Revolution (I was assigned the country to do the speech on)

3) Nursing in Public (persuasive speech. I argued that it should be considered acceptable, why it's sometimes necessary, and that boobs are not just for selling beer. I also got to open my speech with the following words [because everyone was busy chattering when I took to the podium, and I had a picture of this book on the projector] "hey everyone! look at the boobs!". It worked!)

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4) Affluenza. How you can do a few simple things to reduce your level of consumerism.

Now what should my next topic be on? Here's what I am considering. Please vote and help me! (Note: you have to scroll down a bit to see the poll because I am too lazy or dense to try to figure out how to change the html code so that there's not this giant space below this paragraph).

What should my next speech topic be?
Advanced Directives

Disaster Preparedness

Marathonning. You can, too!

Current results