Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bag Lady

The other night the laundry basket was out. Unlike normal circumstances, the basket was actually empty.

So Adam decided it would make a good boat. We play that game often. But Natasha wanted to inspect it. Of course, he wanted her to have nothing to do with his new boat, so he ran away with it in tow. She's used to that. So she crawled over to the giant soft cube with zippers on it and started investigating it. Adam decided she shouldn't have that, either. So, into the boat it went.

Being the good natured little gal she is, she crawled over to her little purple car and started investigating it. Quickly, into the boat it went.

Same, is true for my school binder, the zipper of which she innocently, cautiously inspected...

And the food processor that Adam drug out earlier (it's small and I keep the blade out so they don't get hurt).

And the walk-behind popcorn car.

After Adam had all the toys in his boat there was nothing left for Natasha. So she had to go for the boat again. Of course, Adam had to carry it away. But he couldn't forget the car, either. So there he was. Dragging his car in one hand and a boat full of toys in the other. I just pictured him, if he had more words, "back off! this is my cart!"

She might get to play with something one of these days.