Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Here's what Natasha REFUSES to eat so far:

- Any baby food that comes in a jar
- Graham crackers
- Biter biscuits
- Cream of Wheat
- Things from a bottle
- Yogurt
- Cheese
- Bread
- Any fruit
- Any vegetable

Here's what Natasha would eat if only I wouldn't take it away from her:
- Lint
- Toe nail shrapnel
- Pieces of paper
- Hair that has fallen from my head in this lovely post-partum stage of hair loss
- Old food that she has tossed off her high chair onto the floor that I haven't found yet
- Things that have fallen off the bottom of our shoes tracked in from outside
- *Dog barf

*Let me explain this last one. No, I do not leave puddles of dog barf laying around. I was in the kitchen a few weeks ago. Desi was laying on the couch. Adam and Natasha were in the living room. Within a minute or so of being in the kitchen I hear Adam say "What Tasha eating?" Not a good sign. So I ran into the living room to find Desi licking up his puddle he had silently thrown up. Natasha was chewing on something and had a chunk in her hand ready to shovel in more. She actually cried in protest when I tried to dig the chunk out of her mouth.

But yet, applesauce just will not do.

Someone suggested letting Desi eat it first...

The funny thing is, now every time Adam sees some schmutz on something he says "that Desi barf?"