Sunday, March 16, 2008

Week 6 Wrap-Up

I'm 6 weeks into the 16 week training program for my marathon.

I was supposed to do: 4, 5, 4, 11 with no days of working out in between.

I was stupid.

I did: 4 tues, 6 weds, should have rested on thurs but instead I did weights and bike, friday should have been a 4-miler, but my legs gave out on me and I ended up doing 3 miles.

I should have rested Saturday, but instead I thought, "hey! Yoga would be a good thing to do!" so I ran to the 90 minute class. The super-fit bodies on everyone should have given away the fact that this wasn't just stretching.

I really did enjoy the class, but it was the most intense Yoga I've ever done. With the running, I am really good at finding my center and a focal point when external things try their hardest to get in your way (try holding "awkward pose when everyone else around you is falling; it ain't easy!) so there is plenty of crossover between this Yoga and running. It's not about tuning out the pain, it's about focusing on that which will carry you through.

Not surprisingly, my left leg is what gave me the most trouble in the class. Performing any poses that invoked the strength of my left leg was intensely challenging and left me shaking (literally). But I knew this was a good thing; these are the very muscle groups that cause me problems post-run (my motorcycle accident 5 years ago still haunts me)...I figured this Yoga class would be a good solution to my running problems.

Until I tried to run today. Muscles were on fire! I like to believe I've experienced some severe pain in my life. Like the time I fell and broke three ribs. Or the time I was in labor for 30 hrs (and pushed for 3!) or the time I rode my motorcycle with my knee out into Jason's motorcycle, hitting his tailpipe on the knee joint and had to limp for 3 months...Grrr...I am so ready for a robot body.

So, lessons learned: don't work out on planned days off. Stick to 4 days per week. And, also, get more sleep. I managed only 9 hours of sleep in 48 hrs at the end of the week. No wonder all I can think about is snuggling up in in bed.

Here is a good summary of the 26 poses from our Yoga class. I am considering moving my long run day in order to accommodate this class.

26 Yoga Poses


Anonymous said...

Wait, you're training for a marathon? You left that detail out, girl!! Way to go...I'm super impressed!