Tuesday, April 04, 2006


It was pointed out that at 1:02:03 today it will also be 04/05/06. I didn't think I would be awake to experience this firsthand. I should have known better.

Insomnia, I am afraid, is part of who I am. I never had an issue with it until my 20's. As a teen I had "hypersomnia", which is the ability to sleep for 12 hours or more and still not feel refreshed. I truly could have slept my life away then. I know that a lot of teenagers go through that stage, but mine was severe. I could fall asleep anywhere, too. I even fell asleep at a Nine Inch Nails concert.

My first experience with insomnia started about 6 years ago. It also occurred the first time I really experienced anxiety. The two things go hand in hand. I think I would experience the sleeplessness even without the anxiety, though. Motherhood would have been enough to do it to me. For instance, I was taking tonight "off" from childcare duties due to my sickness (a really bad cold that I think has progressed to a sinus infection and possibly bronchitis). I took some NyQuil in preparation for the blessed event. Two hours later I wake up. Here I am. Alert as can be! What normal human being experiences this? Possibly all mothers everywhere. Because, no later than 20 minutes of my waking up do I hear both kids crying.

Maybe they just knew I was up for them. Fortunately, DH got Natasha back to sleep. I covered Adam back up and he's resting again.

Speaking of mothers, I can assure you that mine is awake and will be checking this blog. In fact, she will probably check it at 4:00 am because she is a mother. And insomnia is a mother's disease. Even after your kids grow up, apparently, you still lay awake all night listening for them to need you.