Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Juicy One!

Spring is finally here! Yesterday was warm enough for me and the kids to get outside. We had a blast digging up the weeds out of my raised bed garden. Adam and Natasha ate lots of dirt (the most solid foods Natasha has eaten in the past week).

Adam found lots of worms. I told him "that's a juicy one, Adam!", so he kept referring to his favorite worm as "my juicy one".

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Later he told me "I broke my juicy one in half"...poor worm.

I had to till the soil, but it turns out that it didn't involve a lot of effort on my part. I just had to let Adam loose in it. He is going to be a great gardener.

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I am a novice gardener, so hopefully something will grow in my raised bed other than the 9 foot tall weeds that took over last summer.