Thursday, April 13, 2006

This Time

This Time Last Year...

I was miserable. Fat. Unable to bend over to change Adam's diaper without grunting, sweating, and cursing silently.

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Natasha was only a week and a few days from being born. Adam didn't know what to expect, except that someone named "Tasha" existed...sort of...

Spring is a funny thing in Minnesota. One week you think you are going to commit suicide or homicide if the snow won't go away. The next week you are busting at the seams because the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, your plants are blooming. You wake up after one long winter night and suddenly...

You have TWO beautiful children. A dog that, despite his insanity is the best dog for your family; a husband, despite his infatuation with expensive toys, is the best husband ever; a wonderful safe yard in a safe neighborhood you can all play in, a university with the best neuroscience program in the country that you can attend, and wonderful family just a call away.

Spring is here. I can bend over and tend to my garden without going into premature labor.

As the Cabella's shirt says, Life is Good.