Friday, July 08, 2005


Adam, of course, is very familiar with all motorized vehicles. Trucks, boats, cars, motorcycles, you name it. It's gotten to the point where I can now ID, by sight, over 40 different types of trucks, including a paver, a grader, giant front-end loader, and our beloved garbage truck and fire truck (Adam's new favorites).

He definitely knows a motorcycle. We took him to Toys R' Us one day and my heart nearly stopped when he hopped onto a little pocket sport bike, leaned forward, put his foot on the pegs and looked right at home. My Boy!

I lamented out loud how badly I missed having a sportbike when we went up north and drove on beautifully twisty, curvey, hilly roads. Apparently DH took it to heart because now he thinks we need a sportbike.

If this were a boat, car, or truck I would try really hard to talk him out of it.

But you know...I love those sportbikes.

He was thinking Ninja. I love me some Yamaha, though.

Here's me a few years ago testing out an R1 at a motorcycle show. I had one shortly after that then sold it when we moved to California. Not good planning.

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