Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Number One Thing I Don't Miss About Seattle...

How expensive it was to live there!

Well, maybe it's the traffic.

MSN Money posted their top ten list of the most overpriced cities in America and Seattle was at the top. No surprise, really. We pay less for a mortgage on our 3 bedroom house here than we paid for our 2 bedroom apartment in Seattle.

DH's commute time is barely in the double digits, while you could easily spend 2 hrs a day in your car if you lived and worked in the puget sound region.

Sadly, Rochester (MN) was not at the top of the best-places-to-live list compiled by Money magazine. If you come visit our fair city, you will see many signs boasting the title, which we held for several years. Interestingly, Bainbridge Island is on there, which would be a fabulous place to live, I agree, but how could you afford that?

Minnesota is, however, well regpresented in the coldest places category. Well duh!