Friday, July 15, 2005

Reading is Cool!

It's so cool that there's a guidebook on buying books. Nancy Pearl did an interview today on Minnesota Public Radio about her new book "More Book Lust". It turns out she is a librarian from Seattle, my hometown! And aren't I such a sleuth, I just found out that she inspired the Librarian Action figure from Archie McPhee.

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She had lots of interesting suggestions for what to read and a lot of nerds called in to talk about various fantasy and sci-fi series, in which I have absolutely zero interest. Unfortunately, I have a ton of other books I am dying to read. Many of my favorite authors got together and decided they would all publish something this summer knowing that I wouldn't be able to read any of it!

Among the conspirators:

Sarah Vowell publishes another essay book, "Assassination Vacation"
John Irving, who publishes another novel "Until I Find You: A Novel"
Nick Hornby, the bastard. He puts out "A Long Way Down"
And then Melissa Bank puts out only her second novel, which I have been waiting for her to do for years now, "The Wonder Spot"

I still have two books sitting on my nightstand that might soon find their way downstairs so I will stop feeling guilty for not reading more of them. I was really enjoying Steven Pinker's "The Language Instinct", a gift by my SIL, but you know..I have kids so I end up not reading very much. Unless it's a book about getting kids to sleep better so you can read more.

Hence the pile of books on my other nightstand:
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (so far my favorite)
Baby Whisperer (don't get me started on this one!)
No Cry Sleep Solution
Mayo's Baby Book
The Baby Book (Dr. Sears)

I have decided to write my own book. I am just going to title it "Read this book and your baby will go to sleep" and I am positive it will become a best seller.

Other things I do get to read:
My Trucks
Mother Goose
Counting Kisses
Goodnight Moon

And speaking of reading, I will be doing lots of it this fall since I am registered for a full course load. All of them boring. Ethics, Honors English, Speech, and hopefully one that involves no reading: Jogging/Walking.

Go books!