Wednesday, October 19, 2005

"I'm a Superhero"

This is what Adam yelled in Natasha's face a few days ago. Then he looks at me and says "I say for Tasha 'I'm a superhero'".

My little Adam. He is my superhero.

Today Cheryl, his daycare provider told me, "Adam is just one of those kiddos that outshines everyone. Every once in awhile a child will come along that can do no wrong (mostly). The last one was several years ago. Adam is so special I just love him".

I couldn't be any prouder. That totally made my

Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that he's only 2. I have to remind myself of this fact from time to time when I feel frustrated by his demands. I've just become accustomed to thinking of him as much older than he actually is. He is spectacularly gentle and engaging with Natasha. She thinks he is the funniest, coolest person ever (or as Adam would say "ever ever ever ever ever!").

Of course, I have bragged on here that his verbal skills are on the level of a 3 or 4-yr old. Counts to 11, can sing his ABC's, puts together 7-word sentences on a regular basis, uses articles, prepositions. Yet he still surprises me on a daily basis. Today he put on his hard hat and said "Mommy, I'm a carpenter!". As he was carrying one of his toy trucks he asked "Where's my backhoe, mommy?". I said "in your hand, Adam". Correctly he retored "No, mommy. This my crane. Where is backhoe?". He caught me. It was the crane. I just didn't know where the backhoe got deposited (probably flushed down the toilet). I was hoping to outsmart my 2-yr old, but I didn't.

Some other delightful things Adam has said lately to elevate my mood:

"Don't cry, mommy" (when I am nowhere near crying, so it's totally random but completely hilarious)

"MMMM! Delicious!" drinking a spoonful of water

"I think I do!" in response to DH telling him "I don't think you need chocolate".

"Daddy go to work and make money....for mommy" I am positive someone must have planted this in his head. He knows "daddy go to work" and "make money", but the "for mommy" part? I have no idea where that came from.

My little superhero is already smarter than I am. I have to finish college so I can help him with his 2nd grade homework.