Sunday, October 30, 2005

Life is all about perspective

I substituted for our daycare provider on Friday for 2 entire hours. It was the most exhausting two hours of my life.

First, let me state that with two kids in diapers, I do more before 8 am than I used to do in an entire day. Yes, I was lazy before, but by anyone's standards, I am busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest these days. So even before I left the house to head to Cheryl's house I was already wiped out. DH does help quite a bit with getting the kids ready these days, but it still involves more effort than my caffeine and sleep deprived body is ready to deal with.

Nonetheless, with only one cup of coffee in my system and having just a few hours of sleep the night before I stumbled over to Cheryl's house and proceeded to care for 3 2-yr olds (including Adam), 3-4r olds, a 1-yr old and Natasha (6 months). Most of the kids were quite charming and just as Cheryl informed me would happen, I was a mere formality most of the time. They all knew the drills, cleaned up their messes, charmed me with their talents, and competed for lap time. There was only one moment of tension involving Adam when Taylor, one of the 2-yr olds said "My Jenny!" to which Adam promptly responded "No! Mommy my Jenny!". I think I had 4 kids on my lap at that point.

Things didn't get too bad until little Alex arrived. He's the 1-yr old who is quite high needs. I mean, Adam was very high needs as an infant, but once he learned to crawl and wear himself out things got much easier. Alex literally screamed unless he was being held. Well, Natasha was starving and I couldn't feed her because I had 7 kids to get out the door after their school lesson (pumpkins, color orange, letter "i"). Turns out, I'm pretty good at keeping two kids on my hips while tending to a bazillion other kids. But that's only because Cheryl has done such a wonderful job of teaching the other older kids how to be patient, take turns, help one another, etc.

After those two hours I was sweating. I felt like I had run a marathon already. I keep saying that caring for two kids in diapers should be a sanctioned olympic event. Being a daycare provider would be the decathalon. I don't know how people do it for a living. But I do know that we have an exceptional provider. And I love all the kids that Adam gets to see every day he 1goes. Also, I am thankful I get to sub but man, I couldn't do it more than once or twice a month!