Monday, April 07, 2008

Stolen Thunder

Ever have those moments when you are going through an intense personal change, and it's so consuming that you are quite certain it could only apply to you? That you are the only person in the world who could have ever felt this way?

Ok, to be fair, I think I've felt that way since I was like...five, and capable of putting words to feelings. But I go through this every few years. While on the precipice of some new adjustment I'm being forced to make I look around me and see everyone utterly content with their lives and wonder why I am the only one that's not completely well adjusted.

Then I stumble upon an article like this and feel embarrassed yet slightly relieved. I'm not the only one, apparently, who goes through these things. It's just that it's not Ok to talk about them. Apparently it's Ok to blog about them. Just that my blog isn't famous, so not many people are listening.

One day, people. One day. You'll all be forced to listen!
