Friday, September 30, 2005

It's a Strawberry!

I get a lot of questions about the red spot on Natasha's forehead. Mainly from kids younger than 7, but occasionally from adults without the compunction to audit their behavior. So if you are wondering, that red bump on Natasha's head is a "strawberry hemangioma", combined with a slight "cavernous hemangioma".

It doesn't hurt. It might get larger, it will not interfere with her development, and it will go away on its own. As our pediatrician said, it's there so we can "pick her out of a crowd".

Please visit this site for more information:

Edited to implore you read this site instead:


Anonymous said...

DH here. I enjoy your posts, but feel you need to link to a higher source.

Mama Monkey said...

Good point. Perhaps you should take care to ensure that the mayo clinic web site search results show up in a higher spot on Google, as they are the essential reference for medical information.

Anonymous said...

Hannah has one too. So does Ian. Comments drive me INSANE. "Mommmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy what are those red things on those kids?" :P