Friday, September 30, 2005

Little Nani

She is 5 months old already!

It's incredible, but I couldn't tell you what Adam was doing at this age. I think we were feeding him rice cereal, but I'm not sure. I know he was sitting up on his own. He wasn't rolling over because he was a chunky monkey. I think he was in 12 month clothing, but again, don't quote me.

Natasha is rolling both ways, eating her feet, laughing with little effort from you, the entertainer. She eats like a horse from morning until well, the next morning. Hence, I have decided that it's high time she learn to eat something other than mommy's milk. The last two days she has devoured cereal so I am hopeful.

I predict my little lady will challenge me in all the ways Adam did not. Although Adam was high maintenance, I could always reliably lay him in the middle of the bed without him rolling away. He wasn't very fearless so I never had to worry about him jumping off the bed or standing on the dining room table or swinging from the ceiling fan. I promise you Natasha will do these things. Check my blog 5 months from now and you'll see a picture of such a thing or hear a story about it.

For now, she is confined to the contraptions I place her in. When Adam was this age I couldn't wait for him to crawl, stand, walk, and run. I know better this time around!

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