Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Speed of Summer

Why does summer have to end so quickly? Nevermind. I can answer that. It's because up here in Minnesota, where it's winter 9 months out of the year, you 3 months have to cram in all of your fun outdoor recreation and your not-so-fun outdoor projects (like building a 200 sq foot patio, completely relandscaping your front yard, pulling out 6 poky, thorny, evil shrubs).

I know what you're thinking. It's only August 1. The end of summer is nowhere close. Well, Mr. Know It All, that's where you're wrong. See, for some dumb reason, my college decided that "Fall" semester should start on August 21. That's only 20 days away.

And now I have exactly 20 days to finish all of the projects I started and have as much fun as possible. Those two goals seem mutually exclusive, but I'll have to find a way. Once fall semester starts I'll be even busier, but in a much less fun way. Biology and Literature, here I come!